Friday, February 8, 2013

Executive Decision

Hello!  If you are reading this blog, and have been thoroughly enjoying the pictures I've posted, I want to apologize to you now, because that chapter of my blog is coming to a close.  I am sorry if that makes you sad.  But don't despair, there is an upside to this situation, and next chaper!

I have been horrible at blogging about my trip, and that makes me sad. I have had countless adventures where I take tons of pictures 1.) because they are pictures I want for myself, yes, BUT 2.) because I want to share them with you and post them on my blog. 

As I take the pictures, I have all of these grand ideas for the blogpost that will accompany my pictures, and then I hardly ever get to actually publish the blog.  We won't count how many drafts are sitting, waiting for pictures, or more text, anxiously waiting to be published.  It's so time consuming for me to do a blogpost (seriously talking between 3-5 hours for an average one, and the Gallivanting one in Ireland was around 3 hours for each day . . . if you were following the progress of that one growing day by day, it took me weeks to finish it because overall it took me about 30 hours!!  Boo!!)  For you fellow bloggers out there, does it take you this long??!!

Sitting in front of a computer is not how I want to spend my time traveling (does that surprise anybody??  ha!), and more often than not, I don't even have a computer available, or I would feel quite rude choosing computer time instead of chatting with hosts . . . there are multitudes of reasons, but the end result is the same : I don't update my blog nearly as often as I would like to.

So!  My executive decision. To fix this dilemma, the upside to the situtation I alluded to earlier, I have decided to use my blog now, more as a sort of brief  update space. Let you know where I am, that I am alive, and how terribly or spectacularly life is going with highlights of the days.  I'm considering it kind of like the Facebook Status Update area, and that seems reasonable and doable to me on a more regular basis.  I am hoping this will be the end of the multiple week time lapses between posts.

If you've gotten this far in my text without pictures, I take it you actually do care and were following my trip, so REJOICE!!!  for I plan to update much more regularly, but simply more briefly and without pictures.  There!  Onwards to this new chapter. . . .


  1. Ok, try #2 on my comment...

    I usually pick out a set of pictures that represents the highlights of the day that I am blogging about (5-10 or so, don't want things to be too long). I'll then craft my entry around the pictures (often times I need the pictures to remind myself of the cool things). I take tons of pictures, I just share the bulk of them in different ways (like facebook).

    It probably takes me 30-90 minutes to compose an entry. I like to do it at the end of the day so I don't forget any details. When I'm too tired, I try to get an outline done.

  2. Like! More frequent, fewer pix, just fine for now. Add pix later, when you're home. With more free time. :)
