Friday, August 24, 2012

Dismal of Dismays!!!

I can't run!  I can barely move.  Eeeeesh.  My range of motion is super limited in my low back and I have no idea what I did to myself (but getting pounded into the sand didn't help the situation when I was playing in some ferocious waves on Wednesday...... seemed harmless at first, but in retrospect, not the most brilliant idea considering how strong the waves were.  I was planning on simply frolicking in the waves - they didn't appear ferocious - but once I was thigh deep, I realized frolicking was not an option.  Pulverization was my only option.  I called it quits pretty quickly, but apparently not quickly enough).

I went to see a physical therapist yesterday (and am incredibly grateful to my cousin for taking me) and I'm desperately hoping that I start to feel better in the next few days.  I'm getting quite worried about the WWOOF-ing situtation if my back doesn't improve.  The whole point of WWOOF-ing is for me to HELP on the farm, physical labor in exchange for food and lodging.  The concept is a marvelous one unless I can't move.  Even filling up my water bottle bothers my back.  Really?!!  1 liter of water ...... I can't handle 2.2 lbs of weight in front of me?  This is no bueno.   And I'm supposed to start on my first farm in Ireland in exactly 2 weeks (it's INSANE how quickly time is going). 

So I'm behaving and not running, but it is incredibly depressing to not be able to run through vineyards in Bordeaux.  This is one of my favorite places to run.  And the thought of not being able to run in Ireland is dismal indeed. We shall see.  I'm holding onto the hope of a quick recovery!


  1. Elodie, here's hoping you have a speedy recovery. Your body is simply telling you it needs a little R&R, but you'll be back up to speed before you know it! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your WWOOFING plans proceed uninterrupted, especially since I am living vicariously through your adventures!
    Julie K (from PA)

  2. I'll say some prayers for your speedy recovery and will start collecting ideas of low key activities for your week in Dublin. How about knitting ?!? =)

  3. Oh no!!! Fingers and toes crossed that you are feeling better very soon.

  4. As much as possible, try to enjoy the time off and take advantage of it! E.g., Maybe you can do ankle strengthening while you can't run :-).
