Friday, August 10, 2012

Fun Friday

Today was spectacular. 

-  I got to start my day talking to one of my best friends in Seattle (90 minutes is so insufficient to cover 10 weeks!!)

- Quick little run to pick up bread at the boulangerie.  Yum!  The simple pleasure of fresh baked bread never ceases to amaze me and make me smile. 

- 2.5 hour blackberry-picking excursion with my uncle.  Which resulted in a new discovery for me: fresh blackberries with red wine and sugar.  Scrumptious!!

- Lunch outside under a perfect summer sun

- Two games of Pétanque (lawn bowling) with my aunt and uncle.  The first game was decent, at one point we all had 5 points, but the second game, I managed to get a "fani" (as 'funny' as it may sound, it's quite pathetic really, it's when you don't score a single point before the winner scores their 13.  Yowzers!)  However, this picture is not a set up!  I really did make that happen (first game)  =)

- Solo super brief bike ride to see wind turbines (éoliennes).  There are 4 set-up only 3.5 km from my uncle's house.  So impressive!  I tried to capture some of the Normandie countryside while at it!

This is me impressed.  =)

DANG IT!!  I had 6 more pictures I wanted to post and the computer is freezing up and won't let me.  Well, I guess that will be for another night.  (haha, upon looking back at the pictures, do you notice a theme with Elodie and her mouth open?  =)  But if you look closely, you can see that they are different expressions ranging from ravenous, to excited, to impressed).

- Before my final frustrating encounter with the computer tonight, we ended the evening with a game of cards, which has become our tradition the past 3 nights and which I truly love!  It's not a complete visit with my French family if it doesn't involve card games.  =)   I will go to bed tonight partly satisfied with at least getting some pictures up.

Tomorrow, I take a train to Rennes to meet up with an old friend from 2008 who was also a teaching assistant in Saint Lo.  We get to spend the weekend together, and I'm super excited to see her again and spend more time in one of my Top 3 favorite French towns!

1 comment:

  1. Yay on getting the photos posted! It seems that I too have pictures of you with your mouth open :)
