Thursday, July 18, 2013

Trip Recap: Favorite Moments in PICTURES (June 2012)!!!!

If you like pictures, this blog post is for you, and it's my make-up for the last ........mmmmm, too many months.  Stay tuned because I have a feeling it's going to take me close to an eternity to actually get all the pictures uploaded I want.  My goal is to cover my whole year-long trip, represented by pictures of my favorite moments and places.  Are you ready?  Let's begin.  =)
ICELAND!!  June 1st, 2012
In my whopping 19 hours (lay-over) in this country, I visited and swam in the Blue Lagoon.  Yay!  But uber touristy.

Also walked around Reykjavik for 10 hours.  LOVED the colors of the houses and roofs.
Do you see the lime green roof?!  Magnificent!  Couldn't get over the bright colors!

Fish stew for dinner.  Absolutely splendid!
June 2nd, 2012
My first day in France: went to the market, drooled, took pictures, and rejoiced at being back in one of the most gastronomically sophisticated countries in the world!!

Hello fresh fish!  And if I have any questions about where the fish comes from, how to best cook it, or tips on how to fillet it (or have it done) there is typically a super friendly, passionate fish expert to help.  So nice!

Mmmmmmmmmmmm cheese!!  Need I say more?
June 3rd, 2012
I picked these cherries!!!  So fun!! AND deeeelicious.
 June 5th, 2012
I didn't actually drive that motorcycle, but got to play passenger.  Woo-wee, motorcycle riding in Paris is one of those unforgettable experiences that dances right on the fringe between exhilarating and terrifying!
June 7th, 2012
 Nutella crepe!!  One of my all-time favorite things.  =)  Here, my happiest moment after a day of exploring Paris, getting drenched in a downpour, finding refuge and fascinating artifacts in Le Petit Palais, and being intoxicated by exhaust fumes from a sickening amount of traffic.  Give me country-side any day.....
June 8th, 2012
So I chose to spend the next day just walking around a far-removed suburb of Paris, surrounded by fields of wheat and barley, scattered with red poppies.  Fabulous!
AND there was a castle!  Doesn't get any better.  Except for a fabulous frolic in another downpour. 
June 16th, 2012
My cousin's wedding.  In this fantastically quaint little church.
And dance party until 4:30 am!!  =)  All generations danced together, it was so fun!!!
June 21st, 2012
Visit the Volvic Water source and factory.  Free samples. Oooooh!
June 22nd, 2012
Collonges La Rouge - one of my favorite, unique, quaint little towns in France.  On the way down to Bordeaux, stopped for a little lunch break here . . .

Apperitif! Sante!!

Incredible.  Decadent.  Exquisite.  All such adjectives are appropriate here.


 June 23, 2012

My body was still up for running at this point, and this was one of my favorite little roads to run down.  Running through vineyards in Bordeaux: definitely one of my "happies"

Hellooooo ripening grapes.  How I love you in your many forms. =) 
One of the most phenomenal combinations ever: succulently ripe melon with port in the center, paired with "magret de canard."
June 24th, 2012

Visiting St. Emilion.  Picturesque to a T.  And production site of one of the best wines in the region.  What more can one ask? 

Ah yes, panoramic views from an ancient bell tower.  Do I find rows of grape vines so beautiful because I have a particular bias for their end product?  Perhaps.

Panoramic of St. Emilion.

Same place.  Obsess much.  =)  Looks so quaint and peaceful, right?

But Oh the horrors!  Locked behind bars at St Emilion.

Wait, we were actually outside, and more numerous.  Still petrified, though.  =)

Oh my.  One of my favorite discoveries of the day: Un Café Gourmand.  An espresso accompanied by a variety of mini desserts.  This one still has the record with a whopping 9 different desserts (the norm, I came to learn through my year in Europe, is around 3 or 4).  My cousin ordered this for dessert that wonderful day in St Emilion, and was quickly followed by nearly everyone else in our party.  A marvelous discovery for we uncultured Americans.  =)
June 25th, 2012
Winery Tour of Chateau Pontac-Lynch.

Wine Tasting at Chateau Pontac-Lynch.  Yipeee!!  Does my body language scream how giddy I am to be tasting wine in Bordeaux?  Hooray! 
June 27th, 2012

Shrimp salad appetizer at a restaurant on the sea. Amaaaaaaaaaazing.  Ha, and smirking at the memory of when seeing the heads of shrimp used to freak me out. 

Very fun waiters....

Main meal.  Such scrumptiously fresh fish.  Again, pondering over the progress I've made from hyperventilating at the sight of a fish head as a child, to being able to semi-efficiently eat a whole fish, learning where the bones are, how to avoid them and get the most delightfully eadible meat, discovering the delicacy of fish cheeks, and even trying a fish eyeball (though one time will suffice for me).
June 28th, 2012
On the drive back from Bordeaux, stop for lunch in Tourenne.  Another quaint favorite French town.

Birthday cake!  Myum!!
June 29th, 2012
I love riding trains!!  AND heading to the Cote d'Azur for the first time.  Sooooooooo stoked!
How to best start a visit to Cannes??  Why, with a picnic on the beach of course!!  A friend from Seattle, Aaron, met me in Cannes to explore this spectacular & renowned Cote d'Azur destination.  I look ravenous (glad that's not your hand, aren't you?) but really just super excited to be having a picnic on the beach - one of my favorite things!!
June 30th, 2012
FIG TREES!!!  There were fig trees just scattered around the city.  I LOVE IT!  And would have loved it even more if they'd had ripe fruit, but sadly,  not the season yet to be able to pick a fig off a tree and enjoy.  (Normandy in August offered me this ecstasy!!)

Favorite part of Cannes: "Le Suquet" - Old Cannes in all its charming glory of narrow roads and alleys, restaurant tables arranged in these narrow ways (brilliant marketing tactic) and steep streets leading to views like the one behind me.

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