On Monday, 5/28, my sister, her friend, Julie, and I went hiking to a place called Peter's Mountain to Clark's Ferry. Part of the hike was on the Appalachian Trail which I thought was fantastically cool!! I can now say I've been on the AT!!
Awesome views of the river (which unfortunately never really runs blue, but rather remains brown . . . still a pretty site to see).
Gorgeous green foliage (felt a bit like WA!).
Observed ample poison ivy plants, but believed we all managed to get through the hike unscathed.
Even with a hiking book and three intelligent, independent women working together, we still managed to find our way off the trail, remain perplexed for a significant amount of time (even tried cheating with a smart phone, to no great avail) but serendipitously came across someone on the actual trail as we were re-tracing our footsteps. Perfect timing. Hooray!
Biggest downside of the day: absurdly humid and hot. Without really getting my heart rate elevated, I has dripping sweat. Like a leaky faucet. Oh my. It was not a pretty site. Bye bye sunscreen.
Biggest perk of the day: WATERMELON for lunch! =)
"Hiking" Gettysburg!
The next day, Tuesday 5/29, Julie and I went to Gettysburg for a 7 mile loop "hike" around the battlefield. I must say, we use the term "hike" loosely (the book that details the hike also includes 1 mile walks and utterly flat River Front Park as part of its "hikes" if that gives you any idea). The most significant chunk of elevation we gained at once in Gettysburg was (gasp) 200 feet. Ha! So I would call this more of a walk than a hike, but it was still a really cool experience.
It was hotter, but less humid, so actually more pleasant, in my book. I would say it qualified as roasting, but the hike was a pretty fantastic at providing tree cover every time we thought we would melt on the exposed trail. =) Lots of cars and tourists doing the loop drive, but we were the only people on the walking trail. Very peaceful and serene.
We started the hike near Longstreet Tower and of course had to climb up for the view.
The barn you see was actually near the end of the loop trail. We walked between that gorgeous red barn building and the white farmhouse (that you can't see). The whole things was very quaint and apparently the barn houses hundreds of barn swallows. They were everywhere!
The little dirt path you see was part of the walking trail. Do you see the grueling elevation gain? It was a beast! =)
Along the way we saw a multitude of memorials,
a real life turtle on the trail!
Relics of stone walls
And an itty bitty snake in this stream while we were cooling our feet. I think I would have freaked out more (snakes are one of my phobias!) but Julie's reaction was so reassuring that she helped keep me calm. She was so entertained at all of the real wild life we were seeing, I would have felt a bit moronic running and screaming for my life. So I stayed calm (the fact that it was itty bitty helped also) but still proceeded to exit the stream rapidly.
That stream (perhaps one of my favorite parts of the day) was actually during part of our day that we realized we were off trail. Yep, we somehow managed to go off trail here too. Although we do blame a trail detour and closures for that. And the fact that the path we were on was a well marked horse path, which we had been sharing earlier. As it turned out, we were off the actual trail for a good amount of time, but my favorite part of our little detour was this gorgeous stone house with a movie-setting rural rocking chair:
Biggest downside of the day: I got a heat rash in my "elbow pits" but didn't know what it was at first and was a bit disconcerted.
Slight panic when I discovered my arms were covered with these red bumps. We were wondering if it was a delayed reaction to the poison ivy we'd seen yesterday and I was super sensitive and super delayed in responding, but it ended up clearing up after a shower and removing the clamminess from my skin.
We decided you couldn't really see the nastiness that was my arms from our first picture, so here's the zoom in. Thank goodness that cleared up before my flight . . . they might not have let me on the plane if I looked like that: "Ummmmm, what is that?!" "I swear it's not contagious!!" Also very thankful for showers and AC.
Biggest perks of the day: Seeing all of the wild life AND hearing about Julie's Around the World trip. Very cool and inspiring person to be talking to before I leave. Hooray for awesome people!
Love it!, as always. Your Reading Public is glad the technical glitch uploading your pix from Hershey did not deprive us of the PA hiking (and future) entries. Is tomorrow D-Day (as in Departure) for France? Can't wait to read those entries! Esp the parts about wine and cheese ... :)