Thursday, May 24, 2012


I felt like there were too many pictures to put in my last post, which was quickly becoming monstrous, so I decided to do a post simply about some of the things I love!  =)

1.) Beautiful Parks

2.) Willow Trees

3.) Ducks (and willow trees again.  I belive that watching ducks is one of the most relaxing things of all time.)

4.)  Blue sky with cool clouds

5.) Cool Bridges (especially making cool bridges look fuzzy in the background, when you have a cool plant to focus on in the foreground.)  Score on both counts!  =)

6.)  Cute dogs (yes, I had to put another picture of her up.  Remember, I have over 20, so I'm still restraining myself.  Ha!)

7.)  My sister's cats (this one is Siao-Pao . . . . she is like a dog in a cat's body)

and very inquisitive =)

Can you tell I was on a photo kick?  She is SO CUTE!!!  I have been distracted many times the last two days, and spent lots of time petting her (hours, even, perhaps??!).  She is a little bit of an attention whore, and incredibly loveable.  The other cat, Mai-Tai is much more prissy and has decided that I am yet unfit to pet her.  We'll see if she warms up to me before I leave.

OH and I'm going to make this my number one love, even though I don't have a picture of it and technically already have #1 on this list (though this list is in no particular order).  But!!!  One of my all-time favorite things to do is run in the rain, which I oddly have not done in far too long (I know, bizarre, even living in Seattle).  So yesterday I went for a run and got to experience a good old fashioned downpour.  I was drenched and it was fabulous!!  The only down side is sweat in the eyes.  Ouch, that stings a wee bit.  Speaking of running . . . this will bring me to my next post . . .

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